I’ve Been Drinking Lemon Balm Tea Every Morning for 1 Month

As I’ve been leaning more toward learning about optimal health, it’s led me to explore the wonderful world of herbalism. A popular herb I kept hearing about is Lemon Balm, also called Melissa officinalis. It’s a perennial herb from the mint family and it has a subtle mint flavor.

It’s used to help reduce anxiety, stress, insomnia, Alzheimer’s disease, boost the immune system, promotes a long life, and much more. Keep in mind that there is no long-term scientific evidence to support these claims. I decided to buy organic lemon balm tea and drink it every morning. Here’s what I noticed:

  • a boost of energy at work (and I often work 5 am shifts!)
  • a stress-free mentality and overall more relaxed. I have not had ONE stressful morning at work, even if we’re behind.
  • more thoughts of gratitude
  • more open to early morning communication (I didn’t talk much in the morning)
  • overall more happy!

I make sure to drink the tea at least one hour before I have to leave the house so it has time to set it and allow my body to feel the effects. I will be sooooo tired some mornings and about 45 mins after having the tea, I’m ready to take on the day and I have a genuine pep in my step. I’m smiling and talking to everyone at work, I’ve even caught myself dancing to whatever was playing on the radio for us. I’ve noticed a much more positive attitude and it allows me to see the good in my situation. It’s such a good way to start my day; the gratitude boost is real!

lemon balm herb plant

I know herbalism turns some people off and they view it as unreliable, but my reasoning for trusting in it is because herbs were here long before humans were. Our bodies naturally have to adapt to our surroundings, so it only makes sense to me that our bodies are designed to work well with herbs. And after hearing other’s experiences with the herb and having my own positive experience with lemon balm tea, I’m much more open to learning and trying more herbs in the future. Lemon balm tea will remain a staple in my morning routine and I recommend everyone to give it a chance!

Related: Why is it Considered “Extreme” to Eat a Raw Vegan Diet?

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