What I’ve Learned from Pole Dancing at Night

pole dancing at night

I typically pole dance at home while the sun is still up. And while that’s great and all, I’ve recently been making a habit of dancing at night and I’ve noticed a huge difference.

I’m sure most of us have noticed some of our best creative energy flows through us at nighttime, which makes sense when we think about the universe being dark matter, and the universe being one big void of creation. When the sun goes down, who we really are is revealed. Similar to astrology when they refer to your moon sign being your “true self”.

When I dance at night, it’s no longer about getting a trick or working out. I’m fully indulging in myself and what my body wants to create. The music feels stronger and it pulls out my emotions easier. I take my time with myself and explore. It’s like I’m giving myself a healing ceremony.

The last time I danced at night, I kept my pole on static and completely fell in love with it. I’ve always wanted to give static more of a try, but after a short while, I’d always switch it back to spin. But in the dark, static was perfect for allowing me to explore freely and move my body exactly the way I wanted to. It gave me a feeling that pole has never given me before. So, if you see my feed transition into more night videos on static, this is why!

I’ve danced in the dark while taking studio classes, but it’s completely different from dancing in the dark alone. When you’re in a class, there are other people around you, you have to follow the instructor’s choreo, and you might have to listen to music that you don’t want to. But when you’re all alone with the mood lighting on, you’re going to see yourself in a whole new light! Just put on a good playlist and let your body move freely.

If your schedule only allows you to dance during the daytime, you can always get black-out curtains and still get that feeling. It’s worth trying it out to see what your body creates.

If you haven’t already tried pole dancing at night when you’re alone, I highly recommend it! You’d be surprised what energies are pulled out of you.

Happy poling!

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