How COVID Pushed Me to Try Roller Skating

girl roller skating

Itā€™s October and in California, things are still heavily shut down for Covid. Gyms recently opened back up a few weeks ago (which makes my pole heart flutter with joy!) but classes are not the same. With shorter class times and no-contact instruction, itā€™s pretty difficult to follow along in class and by the time I start to half-way figure it out, class is over. This makes me grateful I decided to invest in my home pole so that way I can still work on the combos once I get home, but with pole not really being the same since March, Iā€™ve found another form of exercise that is so fun and involves getting outdoors! Iā€™ve finally entered the beautiful world of roller skating!

Roller skating seems like it had a big push this year and Iā€™m assuming a lot of it is because of Covid restrictions! With gyms closed for months (and may close again if we have the second wave), people wanted to find a way to stay active while having fun and safely being outdoors. At least, thatā€™s my reason! And Iā€™m so glad I gave it a shot because itā€™s seriously so much fun!

The skates I bought are the Moxi Beach Bunnies in Periwinkle! I figured these were the best option since I live close to the beach. Theyā€™re such a smooth ride and although a little pricey, I find them to be worth the investment! I didnā€™t want to have to buy any skates that would get ruined quickly or make me feel unsafe. After researching for a while, this brand seemed like the best fit for me.

I donā€™t plan on learning crazy tricks or anything, I just like to cruise. The fanciest thing I can do is skate backward, which is a fun time! I want to learn other ways to skate but nothing that would be considered for the roller derby. Iā€™ve never even been to a skate park and I donā€™t plan on it but catch me at the boardwalk vibing!

My favorite time to cruise is an hour before sunset. The sun has been blazing hard this summer in So Cal so I donā€™t even bother trying to skate any time in the afternoon. And after my one (and only time) trying to skate outside at night, I was followed by three menā€¦ yeah. It was scary. I booked it so fast! Being a girl is stressful sometimes. So, the best time to avoid the heat and the creeps is right before sunset. And it looks incredibly gorgeous outside at that hour. I couldnā€™t recommend roller skating enough!

girl wearing roller skates around her shoulder

Pole is my passion and thatā€™s what I want my body to mainly focus on. But in order to become better at pole, I know I have to incorporate other fitness activities. Roller skating is great cardio and a tiring lower body workout. Iā€™m still searching for another good workout that can help me improve with poleā€¦ maybe calisthenics? That always looked super fun and challenging! If you have any ideas, let me know! My email and DMs are always open šŸ™‚

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