Why I’m Transitioning to a Plant-Based Diet

plant based

This post is in no means a tactic to turn others vegan or plant-based. I believe that we’re all here having our own experience and I’m not one to shove my beliefs down anyone’s throat. So, if those quarter pounder’s and chicken strips really make you happy, do you! But eating meat makes me far from happy. Here are the reasons why I am transitioning into a plant-based diet (in no particular order).

Meat Makes Me Feel Lazy

I know I’m not alone on this one. Whenever I eat meat, I go into an instant food coma. Even if I only ate a little bit! We as a society have normalized this sluggish feeling after eating meat, but I began to think more about it. Why does meat make me feel this way? Isn’t the purpose of food to provide us with energy to get through the day?

Meat Makes My Mind Feel Foggy

Again, isn’t the purpose of food to make our minds sharp? So many foods provide us with different needs. Tomatoes are good for the heart. Carrots are good for your skin. Lentils are good for iron and protein. Meat is good for… making our bodies really useless? You could make the protein argument but there’s plenty of options for vegans to get protein. I get my protein the same way animals get theirs!

When I eat meat, I don’t think as quickly or reaction as quickly. Considering how much I love aerial fitness, I need my energy, reflexes, and recovery time to be in tip-top shape. Every time I would eat meat on a training day, I would get very dizzy and lightheaded when the pole was on spin. I wouldn’t even be able to do a single move that I had planned for that day. And in case you were wondering, I would definitely make sure I had enough water, so dehydration wasn’t the problem.

Are We Truly Meat Eaters When Can’t Eat Raw Meat?

All animals who eat meat, eat their meat raw. And right away! They attack, feed, and go about their day. If meat was truly meant for our bodies, wouldn’t the sight of a live chicken or pig make our mouths water? I can see an apple and think “mmmmm, I want it” but I don’t have those thoughts when I see a cow minding its own business in the field. But hey, maybe that’s just me.

True carnivores have acidic stomachs so that it can kill all of the harmful bacteria from the raw meat. The human body can’t process raw meat, which is why it must be cooked. If we have to go through all that extra work to eat meat, maybe it’s not really supposed to be in our bodies in the first place? If we weren’t living in a world that provides fast food restaurants on nearly every corner, we’d still be out picking fruits and veggies every day for our meals.

Now, technically we can eat raw fish, and honestly, I’d probably still eat fish if it weren’t for the fact our oceans are terribly polluted. Eating fish just means I’m eating toxins, so… no thanks.

I Realized I Was Eating for My Taste buds, Not for My Body

Why are humans the only species that can only eat meat if it’s cooked and seasoned? Is it the meat we like or all of the added flavoring? I’ve never met a single person who enjoys their steak or turkey without ANY seasoning on it (Although I’m sure these people do exist, it’s still uncommon, no?)  So, is meat actually tasty? Or are we just brainwashed into thinking it is because of that delicious steak sauce? We should be eating for our organs, not our taste buds.

And this goes with any food. This post is focused on animal products, but I also am avoiding fake food in general, such as: sugary candies, Hot Cheetos, and other “foods” that leave me with nothing but a stomachache and thoughts of regret. Yeah, that donut looks good, but I know after about 30 mins of eating it, my body will be punishing me.

I now view my body as the vessel it is. It’s just like getting a new car but instead of filling the car with premium gas, it’s filled with watered-down, cheap gasoline. And then we wonder why our cars go to shit? If I want my vessel to provide me with the best experience possible while I’m here on Earth, I need to eat for my organs, not for my taste buds.

Is Meat Really Good for Us?

No one is born questioning society; we have to take that initiative on our own. We’ve been told from the moment we’re born that meat and dairy is healthy for our bodies. But is it? Eating meat, dairy, and fish has been linked with cancer, heart problems, and many more health conditions. Yet, time and time again, we’re being told that meat and dairy is “good for us”.

Weren’t we told for years that drinking milk was good for building strong bones? When in fact, milk depletes the calcium in our bones? If they were wrong about dairy products then, why wouldn’t they be wrong about meat now?

And isn’t is weird that we’re the only species that drinks another mammals milk? Imagine if women were constantly being pumped to feed an entirely different species? Our milk is for our own babies and cow’s milk should be for their own babies.

The Spiritual Reason Why I Won’t Eat Meat

The meat industry is barbaric and monstrous. This goes without saying but seeing the way animals are treated in these factories is unjust. These animals have their own lives, consciousness, families, intense emotions, you name it. We are more alike than we are different and there isn’t one person walking this earth that would want to be treated the way these animals are. That animal is just another conscious being having a different experience than you. We are no better than them.

One thing that we know is that energy can never be destroyed, only transferred. And humans are in fact energy beings. When these poor animals are in these factories, they are filled with emotions of fear, sadness, anger, and many more negative emotions. When they die, all of that negative energy is still stored in their meat and it gets transferred into our bodies via a Big Mac. This would explain why we always feel down and sluggish after eating meat. We just took in so many different negative energies (considering no patty comes from just one animal).

It breaks my heart knowing how these animals are constantly raped and abused and all for what? For us to eat something we shouldn’t be eating? For us to feel tired, sluggish, and useless for a few hours after consumption? For us to smother their meat in seasoning because it’s the only way it will taste good to us? We are committing mass murders when meat isn’t good for our bodies, isn’t good for the environment, and isn’t even genuinely tasty.

I couldn’t ignore this information any longer. It’s gotten to a point where I can’t even look at a cooked steak and find it appetizing. When I see meat, I see another lie we’ve fed into while living in this world.

The Start of My Journey

I’ve officially cut out meat. That was easy to cut out because I didn’t eat it often to begin with and as I mentioned, it no longer even looks appealing to me anymore. The hardest thing to give up is dairy. Dairy is found in so many products that it just screams “agenda” to me. Dairy is found in products it has no business being in. The only dairy product I still find tasty is cheese, but I don’t find it tasty enough to let it destroy my body and partake in the raping of more animals.

I’m starting to follow the Ancient Kemetic Diet. Ancient Kemet is also known as Ancient Egypt. They were the first humans on Earth, and they were highly conscious, enlightened, and spiritual. They did not eat flesh. They understood the importance of the pineal gland and its direct connection to the universe (this is where the Eye of Ra comes from).

Eating meat and animal products directly blocks your pineal gland (amongst other things). This is because when animals die, they release toxins that remain in their meat. These animals are also pumped with antibiotics and forced to mass-produce, so all of those toxins mixed in with the negative energy goes right into your body. Not only do animal products negatively affect your physical body, but even worse, it blocks off your direct connection to the universe, keeping your third eye shut. I will have a blog post dedicated to the Ancient Kemetic Diet, so stay on the lookout for that!

We All Have a Choice

I want to reiterate that I’m not trying to make anyone plant-based, just explaining my own thoughts and opinions. We all get this one life to use it how we please. I’m cutting out meat and dairy because I want to enjoy this one life I have and enjoy it to the fullest. That means improving my mind, body, and soul. If we only get one life, I want to be in my best condition. I’ll be updating my food blog with nothing but vegan recipes from now on! Enjoy!

Related: Why is it Considered “Extreme” to Eat a Raw Vegan Diet?

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