The Birth of “A World of Honey”!

planting in a garden

Hi everyone! It means so much to me that you’re taking the time to read this!

For as long as I could remember, I wanted to have my own website/blog. The only problem was not knowing exactly what I wanted to post about. I’ve had many interests over the years, but I didn’t have a big enough passion for them to have the desire to write about those topics.

Once I fell into the world of pole dance, it became a true passion. One of my favorite aspects of pole fitness is that it allows me to blend all my favorite interests together like blogging, editing, marketing, fashion, and even traveling!

But the best part of all is the community. Anyone in the pole world will tell you how incredible and positive the community is. It’s the one place where a group of women can come together and actually uplift one another. I know! It sounds too good to be true, but it isn’t! Ever since I joined my studio and became active on social media, I’ve made such great friends that I hope will remain my friends for many years to come.

Why A World of Honey?

Although pole dance is my main passion, I really didn’t want to put myself in a box when starting this blog. I went through countless blog name ideas that had pole keywords in them, but around that time I started finding myself loving yoga more and more. I thought, “what if I want to blog about yoga? Or a fun recipe to try? Or what if I just want to talk about whatever is on my mind?”

Then it all made sense. I wanted a name that allowed me to talk about whatever I want. Then came “A World of Honey”. It’s my world and whatever I want to talk about. And I chose the name Honey because my birth name is Melissa, which is Greek for honeybee. “A World of Melissa” just didn’t have the right ring to it, but “A World of Honey” sounded much better. I created my Instagram with that handle and bought my website domain at the same time.

The Goal of My Blog

My main goals right now are to:

  1. put content out that brings more awareness to this wonderful community
  2. meet more dancers in the pole world
  3. document my own personal growth in pole fitness
  4. to have an outlet for my thoughts and other interests (hence the journal tab)

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have more goals for this website, but I will save those topics for another day. I think it’s important to think and plan for the future, but not too much for it distracts from the now. What I think I want now may change in the future. And not to get too philosophical, but the future doesn’t even exist, so I try not to look too far ahead so I can keep my sanity!

I Hope You Enjoy!

I’m going to have a lot of fun with this blog and I hope you stick around for the ride! I am always open to any criticisms or critiques you may have. This is a learning experience for me, and I’ve never done anything like this before. It can be scary putting yourself out there and I’m always grateful for those who let me know how I can improve.

So, happy birthday to me! The only gift I wanted this year was to plant the seed for my blog. No more waiting, no more overthinking, and no more self-doubt. You taking the time to read this is the best gift I could ever ask for! So, thank you. I really mean it.


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