My Pole Tutorials are Live!

lyla jasper haze pole pose

Hi everyone!

I’m so excited to announce that my pole tutorials page is now live for viewing.

I’m currently still working on my online pole library that can be accessed through joining my membership! Once there’s a good amount of videos in the vault, I will have the membership be available for purchase. Once you purchase my membership, you will have immediate access to the password for the private pole library!

But for now, I have some free tutorials available for you to watch. This will also give you an idea of how the videos will be in the private library.

I plan to add more free tutorials in the future, so be sure to join my email list below to be notified when they drop! And follow me on instagram to stay up to date on new tutorials as well.

Join the email list to be notified for new online pole tutorials, pole wear restock, & the latest blog posts!

Thank you so much for the love and support, it means so much to me!

Pole has completely changed my life and I’ve always wanted to be able to share what I’ve learned with others to help them along their inner healing journey. It’s more than just “getting a trick”. It’s all about uncovering our sacred divinity and reconnecting with who we truly are. It’s about learning to speak an ancient language that has been hidden and locked away.

May you find yourself again and fully love yourself for all that you are. Ase.

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